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Tulsa Modeler's Forum

Congratulations, Jack!

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Jack Bailey is the club's most senior member, with decades of modelling under his belt. In appreciation, the club has awarded Jack with a Lifetime Membership, our one and only.
Unfortunately, club prez Casey didn't think this through very well, as Jack pointed out... "That thing is going to be tough to fit in my wallet!"

Special Projects

A message from the president...

One of our members brought to our attention The Coffee Bunker, a non-profit organization set up to lend assistance to veterans.  I didn't realize at the time that the organization was started by the wife of a friend of mine, who lost their son (a Marine) to suicide due to PTSD and other associated issues of several tours in the Middle East.

Anyway, Wade had discovered that the vets there enjoy building models, and appealed to our club to donate models or modeling supplies and tools to the organization.

I wanted to expand that request to our entire list. They are in need of all the usual supplies (glues, paints [acrylic only], tweezers, sanding sticks, etc - everything needed for good modeling efforts), and kits. You can either bring your donations to the TMF club meeting on any given month or take them directly to the Coffee Bunker (which I would highly suggest!). They are located at 6365 E 41st Street, which is just west of 41st and Sheridan.  

For more details about The Coffee Bunker, you can visit their website and read some of their stories here.

Thanks for caring!

Fort Plastic Model Contest


Modelers in Ft. Smith Arkansas are trying to restart a local club, and this show is part of their effort top promote the hobby and generate interest. It's not an IPMS show, but it would be nice to support the effort. It's happening at Hobby Town of Fort Smith, on April 24 2021. See the Show Flyer for more details.


OKC MetroCon 2021​​


IPMS Metro Oklahoma City will be holding their annual show on June 12 2021. Their theme is "Operation Desert Storm, 30 Years Later". Get the Show Flyer here. For more information, visit the club's Facebook page.

Fort Crook OmaCon​​


Fort Crook IPMS of Omaha NE will be holding their show and contest on June 19 2021. Their theme is "The Cold War 1948 to 1965". Get the Show Flyer here. For more information, visit the club's webpage.

Jacksonville Hobby & Craft Expo


As we start to see the beginning of the end of the pandemic, some show activity ios starting up. One of the first hobby shows within easy driving distance is being held in Jacksonville AR on Saturday, April 10, 2021 and some club members are planning on attending. If you are interested, click the links below for more information:

Show Flyer

Contest Information

Entry Form



Next Meeting


Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (unless there is a conflict with a holiday or special event) at HobbyTown USA, 6808 S Memorial, Suite 116, Tulsa OK.


Our next meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on April 6 2021 at 1900h (that's 7:00pm to the non-military modellers)


Join Zoom Meeting

(all Zoom meetings will use this link)


Meeting ID: 685 912 6601

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,6859126601# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,6859126601# US (San Jose)


You can also submit pictures that will be assembled into a slide show for clearer viewing by uploading to Dropbox here.

January Meeting Report

Two items of club business were transacted by the members present at the January meeting:

1. The current slate of officers was reelected by acclamation.

2. The decision was made to postpone the Show & Contest to 2022. The 2021 Show is canceled.


Also, at the December meeting, it was decided to suspend 2021 club dues for members in good standing in 2020.


Peter Zalesak, Secretary

Hurricane Laura & A Fellow Modeler in Need


Hello friends,

Last month many lost everything to Hurricane Laura, among those was a friend of the Tulsa Modelers Forum Kenny Loup and his family. Kenny owns Gator's Model Studio, lots of us know his fantastic Gator Glue. Kenny's home was destroyed, while their belongings were covered by insurance their home was not. A gofundme has been set up to help and can be found here  Please help how you can and pass along to others who may not be on our mailing list.


Samurai Phantoms

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New book on Japanese Phantoms!
Click for details!
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Route 66 Model Expo: Canceled


Tulsa Modelers' Forum has determined that the risks are too substantial to attempt to hold the 2020 Route 66 Model Expo, which was scheduled for August 22nd (moved back from April).  We are canceling the event for 2020.


As much as we love to congregate and celebrate our hobby, we believe the safety of our modelers and our community is paramount and the risks are not worth it.  


Our 2021 show is still on the calendar for April 17th, 2021. Early next year, we will assess the safety of holding that show.


This means that when we finally host the Route 66 Model Expo again, we should have a pretty darn good show, with all those models we have been building during "social distancing exile!"  The post--COVID show will be an event to remember!


We are considering hosting an abbreviated online contest and would be interested to know if you would consider participating in that event.  Please take 15 seconds to respond to this survey to tell us if you might.

Message from the President



I hope everyone is taking advantage of the extra modeling time provided by social distancing. As we endure this pandemic, I feel it is prudent that we forgo the April meeting. I know we enjoy our monthly meeting, however, I think we can all agree it is not worth risking our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us.  In the absence of our regular meeting, I would encourage all members to revisit our forum. This is a great way for us to stay engaged with each other and gain some behind the scenes insight on each other's techniques.  

As a reminder, our contest, The Route 66 Model Expo, has been postponed. It is now scheduled for August 22nd. We also received word that the April 4th WestArk (Clarksville) and April 25th MossCon (Springfield) shows have been canceled. Bob is hoping the reschedule the WestArk show for August. Currently, there are no plans to reschedule MossCon.

I hope to see everyone soon. Stay safe and healthy.


Group Build: Corona Edition

Greetings Friends ,

Previously I mentioned using our forums to stay engaged with one another while we are on hiatus. Dave Horn came up with and even better idea, an online-focused group build.

This one is going to be a bit different than most group builds. There is no theme, you are free to build whatever you like. Dust off a kit from your stash and start building. Recently started a new build, that’s fine too! What we are looking for is regular online activity. Modelers will need to provide regular updates on their build, we are aiming for weekly updates, but that won’t be strictly enforced. To accommodate builders of different speeds we will have two rounds for this build. The first round will run through August 21st with the goal of announcing the winner at the contest on Aug 22nd. A second round will come to a close at the December meeting for those who didn’t make the first cut-off date. 

Peter has set up a new tab on our forum to post your builds to. If you have not previously registered with the forum you will have to do so, Peter always gets the requests handled as quickly as possible. 

Yes, there will be a prize for the winner of each round. Prizes will be of immeasurable value that you are sure to treasure for the rest of your life or more likely a gift card to a local hobby shop. 

This group build is open to all of our friends even if you don’t make out meetings on the regular, the more the merrier!

Get to building and feel free to email with any questions you have.


Covid-Grouded Planes at Pittsburg

The Aurora, Revell & Monogram Story

The National Museum of the U.S. Airforce.. from the air!

IPMS Nationals

Our own Jerry Geer recently returned from the IPMS Nationals, held in Chattanooga TN and he snapped some great pictures of the models on show. Check out his pictures on our Other Contests page, where you can also check out Keith Strubing's amazing pictures from the Heartland Model Car Nationals..

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Discuss at next meeting: How many Panzers could Panzerschreck Shrek schreck if Panzershreck Shrek could schreck Panzers?

Group Build Underway!

The theme for the group build is "Cold War", and includes any subject from the start of the Cold War (1947) through the Fall of the Berlin Wall (1991). The Group Build presentation will be at the December 3rd meeting and Greg promises that there will be a prize!

"Things that make you go hmmm..." Department


Giving Back

This year, for the first time, the Tulsa Modelers’ Forum decided to use our annual event to spotlight The Coffee Bunker, a charity organization that helps veterans. The idea was to increase awareness about the organization in the community while raising funds to support it. TMF members generated corporate sponsorship of the event with the understanding that if the event did better than break even, TMF would include an addition percentage of the proceeds to the organization.  At our May meeting, the club presented a check for $1500 to Col. Raymond F. Knapp (USAF Ret.), President of the Board of Directors at The Coffee Bunker. Thank you all who attended the show, for the vendor fees, model entry fees and raffle ticket proceeds combined with the corporate sponsorship generated this gift to The Coffee Bunker!

Kittinger-Knapp Coffee Bunker Presentati

And while we're on the subject of our recent Contest & Show, part of the reason we  were able to successfully raise money for the Coffee Bunker was our "World Famous" Raffle, and a great part of its success was the contribution from Zoukei-Mura of four of their superlative kits, which attracted many modelers hoping to score one of these great products. One winner was our own Kenny Gregory, shown here proudly displaying the F-4S that he scored!  Thanks once again to Mr. Zoukei-Mura!

Kenny wins a Z-M Phantom.JPG

Alcock & Brown

Click image for full story


When you have a really severe styrene addition...


Check out our Resources page for a free new downloadable magazine for aviation enthusiasts, WingLeader. And for the AFV crowd, there's a new issue of Blitzscales.

Historic WWII Aircraft Carrier USS Hornet Located 17,000 Feet Deep in Pacific.


And in Other News...

Casey recommends checking out these videos by Tom Grigat. If you have never seen his work it's absolutely stunning. He does stop motion video builds of models.

Worth a Look

Recently, a model show called Mosonshow was held in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, one of the higher profile and better quality shows of the circuit, and it highlighted some stunning examples of our artform. Do yourself a favor and check out these links (prepare to be humbled).

The Modelling News (English)

East Models (Slovak - Google Translate will be your friend)


Moson Model Show 2019.jpg
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